BlastUP Token ($BLP) Price Prediction 2024 – 2030

Michael Graw
Last updated: | 9 min read

BlastUP is a dApp (decentralized application) development launch pad that is designed to run on the Layer 2 scaling platform Blast. The main aim of the BlastUP launch pad is to help development teams raise capital in a safe, secure, and user-friendly environment through a Community Incentive Program that rewards early investors.

This article gives a price projection for BlastUP Token ($BLP) from 2024 up to 2030. We’ll also cover the factors that influence the price of BlastUP Tokens, allowing investors to make informed decisions.

Overview of BlastUP Token Price Prediction 2024 to 2030

  • 2024: By the end of 2024, $BLP has the potential to hit $0.35. This growth would be funded by the continued emergence of Ethereum as the number one protocol for decentralized app (dApp) development and the ongoing need for Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solutions such as Blast.
  • 2025: $BLP could rise to $0.75 by the end of 2025. This could be supported by the overall bullish trends in the cryptocurrency market, following the Bitcoin halving event, as well as additional significant events such as the beta release of the Learn2Earn platform and the AI start-up Team Tool, EasyStart.
  • 2030: We believe if BlastUP can increase its utility it can grow to $1.50 by 2030. The emergence of the BlastUP Venture Labs and the BlastUP Market Maker is forecast to have significant positive pressure on the price of the token.

BlastUP Token Price Prediction Summary

The following are our BlastUP Token price forecasts for 2024 to 2030:

Year Potential Low Average Price Potential High
2024 $0.12 $0.25 $0.35
2025 $0.40 $0.55 $0.75
2030 $1.10 $1.20 $1.50

BlastUP Token Price History

$BLP is one of the best new cryptocurrencies that helps application developers build using the core Ethereum protocol. BlastUP recently launched a presale for its native $BLP token and as it is still in its first presale stage, early buyers can buy the token for only $0.06 at the time of writing. 

The BlastUP launchpad has been specifically designed to bring together application developers and those looking to invest in new projects built with the Ethereum protocol.

BlastUp holders stats

By building projects on the Blast mainnet, developers benefit from receiving native yield for using Ethereum and stablecoins. In fact, the Blast platform has become the first Ethereum Layer 2 protocol to lock in $1 billion TVL in just 35 days demonstrating the strength of market interest in the project. Such an attractive mechanism makes Blast one of the most competitive Ethereum Layer 2’s on the market today.

The BlastUP launchpad seeks to address a number of current participant and project issues that commonly arise from those projects looking to develop on other Ethereum Layer 2’s. Namely, there is often misleading information about the IDO including the direction of the project and the price of the underlying token. Moreover, it is not unusual for the token price to fall away once the IDO closes leaving many early investors out of pocket.

Furthermore, many IDO projects do not have a thorough understanding of the necessities of marketing and community management and lack the experience to manage the project from birth to completion.

Blast is the perfect Layer 2 solution for those looking to build with Ethereum. The team behind the BlastUP project accelerator has the skills and experience to ensure that each project launched on the protocol becomes a success. This is achieved through – 

  • Project Screening – Each project that applies for a place on the BlastUP launchpad is carefully evaluated for investment potential and viability.
  • Launchpad Accelerator – All administrative paperwork as well as token distribution is managed to ensure each project has the highest chance of success.
  • Community Incentives Program – The BlastUP is constantly active in the community and works tirelessly to drum up support for projects on the platform.
  • Fair Distribution – All BlastUP ($BLP) token holders are rewarded for their commitment and are awarded token allocations of upcoming projects depending on their share of staked $BLP.
  • Passive Income – $BLP token holders are able to grow their token supply by staking and liquidity farming through the BlastUP staking portal.

At present, $BLP still lies in the early phases of presale. The presale is structured in tiers, which indicates that the token’s price may rise with each presale stage. As the stages progress, the total price at the end of the presale (stage 10) could be $0.090 per token.

The aim is to reach the hard cap before all ten stages are completed. More information on the presale may be found in our guide to buying BlastUp Tokens. The cryptocurrency market’s strong sentiment towards Ethereum has also made the future look better for $BLP.

BlastUP Token ($BLP) Price Prediction 2024

$BLP is predicted to increase significantly in 2024 due to upcoming listings on major exchanges. $BLP saw significant investor interest in its presale in early April 2024, raising more than $5 million at the time of publication.

The presale stage is especially important because it allows early supporters to join and help the project grow. After the presale ends, the focus will shift to staking, where existing token holders are able to earn big rewards.

The staking rewards for $BLP are attractive and there are numerous ways you can earn passive income through the BlastUP platform. Alongside $BLP, BlastUP platform users can also stake ETH, wETH and BUSD. Stakers can then choose how they want to receive their yield.

BlastUp app live

They can choose between more $BLP tokens or they can choose from the native tokens of the projects that are being developed on the platform. Furthermore, BlastUP stakers can also choose to receive Blast Gold tokens which provide yet more exclusive ecosystem rewards.

The yield you receive depends on the choice you make and could include an extra discount for project launches and custom benefits. The stake-to-earn program of BlastUP is comprehensive and has the potential to offer early investors not only lucrative passive staking rewards but also exposure to some of the most innovative projects being built on Ethereum right now. This utility is certain to drive the price of $BLP as we progress through the rest of 2024 and into 2025.

With the peak of the bull market still to come amid rumors of an Ethereum ETF also in the pipeline, Layer 2 scaling solutions such as Blast are going to be in high demand. Therefore we expect to see the price of $BLP appreciate significantly through the rest of the year. With this in mind, we expect a conservative price of $0.25 by the end of the year.

BlastUP Token ($BLP) Price Prediction 2025

Looking ahead to the year 2025, it is reasonable to state that many market analysts are optimistic about the cryptocurrency sector’s momentum and potential with some experts forecasting Bitcoin reaching $200,000 by September 2025. This bullish prediction has the potential to influence other cryptos, including new altcoins such as $BLP. The BlastUP platform is expected to undergo multiple upgrades by 2025 anyway.

BlastUp booster points

Firstly, there will be key token, liquidity and NFT unlocks which make the token more available and appeal to a wider user base. Secondly, there are plans for the integration of an ‘IDO Helper’ feature as well as the development of a unique ‘Lottery Hub’. Finally, the year ends with plans to launch a handy Team Tools feature for those looking to develop their own AI start-up.

All launches will build on the platform’s utility while generating more interest in the BlastUP token. With this in mind we expect an average price of $0.55 for the $BLAST token by the end of the year.

BlastUP Token ($BLP) Price Prediction 2030

For BlastUP to forge a future in this market, a number of important things must take place by 2030. Firstly, there needs to be more comprehensive and wide ranging regulation across the world which will encourage increased levels of investment.

BlastUp project description

One would have hoped that by the end of the decade, the use of blockchain and decentralized protocols like Blast is ubiquitous across the developed world. Once people begin to realize the cost and time saving benefits, not to mention the transparency of distributed ledger technology, I expect the adoption curve to increase significantly.

If Blast can continue to develop their dApp launchpad there is every reason to expect the project to really take off with widespread adoption. Should this be the case we anticipate an average price of $1.20 by the end of 2030.

Possible Highs & Lows of BlastUP Token Price

Here’s a quick summary of our $BLP price forecast from 2024–2030:

Year Potential Low Average Price Potential High
2024 $0.12 $0.25 $0.35
2025 $0.40 $0.55 $0.75
2030 $1.10 $1.20 $1.50

What is BlastUP ?

BlastUP is a IDO Launch pad which has been developed to encourage decentralized application development on the Blast Ethereum scaling platform. Ultimately, the BlastUp launchpad is intended to help developers raise capital in a safe, secure and user friendly environment.

BlastUP has recently launched a presale for its native $BLP tokens. This multi functional token can be used to grant token holders exclusive access to BlastUp tiered IDO launches as well as unique staking mechanisms.

Furthermore, the BlastUP Buy-Back mechanism uses some of the tokens which are raised via projects which launch on the BlastUP platform. Overall there are 5 core elements to the BlastUP ecosystem. These are – 

  • Project Screening – The team behind BlastUP look at all project applications to ensure that only the best quality is presented to the public.
  • Launchpad Accelerator – BlastUP helps projects prepare documentation and address tokenomics to ensure the necessary funds are raised for development.
  • Community Incentives Program – BlastUP encourages new users of the Blast network and rewards those who demonstrate the highest level of achievement.
  • Passive Income – By staking and farming on the BlastUp staking portal it is possible to increase your token supply. Token holders can also take advantage of a handy seed staking feature, which provides free tokens from supported projects.

What External Factors Influence the Price of The BlastUP Token?

The price of the $BLP token is influenced by external factors. There are many important factors to consider:

  • Social Media and Community: BlastUp has taken advantage of social media networks to build excitement and increase demand for their currency. With a strong social media presence, more investors are drawn to the platform and its token.
  • CEX and DEX listings: When new crypto tokens and coins are listed on DEXs and CEXs they’re exposure to crypto enthusiasts goes through the roof. That’s why when $BLP lists on popular exchanges it’s market price will be in the hands of the wider market.


BlastUP is a decentralized application launch pad that has been built to bring new projects to the Blast ecosystem. With a handful of Ethereum ETFs expected to be approved in 20-24, the future for decentralized applications built using the Ethereum standard looks particularly rosy. 

Therefore, we expect demand for the BlastUP platform, the BlastUp launchpad as well as the native token $BLP to increase significantly throughout the rest of 2024 and for the rest of the decade. The BlastUP presale is currently ongoing where the native token $BLP can be bought for just $0.06.

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How much will $BLP Token be worth in 2025?

According to our research we believe $BLP could reach $0.75 by 2025.

Is the BlastUP Token a good investment?

$BLP has potential due to being uniquely positioned to help Ethereum adoption, generous passive income rewards, and strong future growth plans. However, it is important to thoroughly research the project and consider your tolerance for risk before investing in the project
